During October 2013 carried out Tradewell the annual customer attitude survey for Tribotec AB. 90 telephone interviews were conducted in Sweden and Denmark, divided between purchasing and production personnel, and the results show an improvement in virtually all areas.
TriboTec AB achieved a Customer Satisfaction Index (NKI) of 4.27 on a five-point scale. This is an improvement of 0.08 compared to 2012 and above the median value for Wholesale Companies which is 4.10. Positive is that the share very satisfied customers have increased from 27 % to 33 %.
In summary, we can state a very good result for TriboTec. Customer satisfaction has increased, the willingness to recommend and many other quality areas now show the highest average rating since the measurements began in 2003. This indicates the right focus in the improvement work on the part of the management as well as a participation and commitment on the part of the staff to constantly work based on the customer's best interests. TriboTec has an NKI and a result to be very proud of. Anita Jiremark consultant / Tradewell AB
Highest average grade get TriboTec for good personal service & good treatment from the seller and from the staff at the order reception and for complete and whole deliveries.
Willingness to recommend has improved and is now the highest since the measurements began in 2003. 85 % of the customers can imagine recommending TriboTec to a high or very high degree.
The quality area that has improved the most is customers' perception that they receive enough information from TriboTec (3.47 – 4.06). This indicates that the activities TriboTec has undertaken to increase information and communication with customers have been successful (new website, blog, newsletter).
Other areas that belong to them areas that have improved the most is;
36 % of customers think that TriboTec is better than the competition (34 % in 2012). Better quality, service and price, active sellers, better contact, good products and more information are examples of comments from customers who think TriboTec is better than the competition.
2 % of the customers (C customers) think that TriboTec is worse than the competitors. Service and price are the two comments given as to why one likes it.