20 January 2014

Cortec rust protection showed top results in NASA research projects

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Cortec Corporation's internationally renowned VpCI corrosion inhibitors have been tested in a field study conducted by NASA at their Atmospheric Test Station at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida. This site is known as the most corrosive environment in the entire United States and one of the most corrosive in the entire world due to the warm climate, proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, winds containing salt, and falling propellant residue from rocket fuel which is highly corrosive.

The test was carried out under the theme "Behavior of environmentally adapted corrosion protection products in an aggressive marine environment" and focused on the identification and evaluation of environmentally adapted corrosion protection coatings for the protection of aircraft components and ground equipment against atmospheric corrosion attacks.

Cortec rust protection test kennedy space center

Out of a total of 15 products tested, 3 were from Cortec (VpCI 368, 3690, EcoLine HD Grease) and Cortec's products showed outstanding results.

Kennedy Space Center is located in the Merriot Island National Wildlife Refuge, therefore environmentally friendly solutions are highly sought after. The test was carried out in order to be able to replace current petroleum-based and solvent-based corrosion inhibitors with safer alternatives in future space-related projects.

15 different "soft" coatings were tested, both petroleum-based and newer environmentally friendly variants, on different steel and aluminum materials. The samples were then exposed to atmospheric influence and accelerated corrosion testing.

Cortec rust protection CPC test Cortec NASA

If you want to read the entire article, you can find it here NASA PR

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