Sandvik SRP AB
(Sandvik Rock Processing) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of stone crushers. Around 500 people are employed at Sandvik's facility in Svedala, Scania, and from here machines and spare parts are sent to destinations all over the world. However, metal components that are transported or stored are often subject to corrosion. And what rusts has a cost - in several ways. Sandvik SRP is therefore now making a unique investment for Swedish industry that saves costs, working hours and the environment.
Crushes all over the world
Sandvik has worked with Tribotec for just over ten years. At Sandvik's facility in Svedala, Scania, machines and spare parts are sent to destinations all over the world. As standard, Sandvik has chosen the vci anti-rust packaging that meets the toughest requirements. This means that all products that are prepackaged can be delivered to any location. No one needs to think about whether the rust protection can handle the specific journey, it must withstand even strenuous journeys.
We chose Tribotec because they have a good product that works on all metals. We have also received good feedback: they listen, give suggestions, do tests and are very helpful…
Important education
Jörgen Mikkelsen, process expert in surface treatment, runs the vci rust protection project at Sandvik SRP:
- Back in 2001, the first steps towards alternative rust protection were taken here in Svedala by Kenneth Haraldsson, head of the central warehouse. In 2009, wet rust protection was almost completely phased out of our production. We are also building a new factory to be completed in 2013 where we use Tribotec fully, both for machines and spare parts.
As part of our investment, we let everyone who comes into contact with the products attend a training course, a rust protection school, which shows how the system works optimally. Knowledge of those who pack is decisive for the result. It is also easier to see when something needs to be fixed - and how it should be done. Education is an investment against rust.
Åsa Möller, production manager for Process Assembly where all surface treatment is included, has supported the work and pushed the issue regarding improved rust protection.
- We constantly strive for World Class Solutions. Processes are updated, efficiency and productivity are of course important, but at the top is safety and that the changes we make must be driven by a customer benefit and can be implemented in a lean spirit.
We chose Tribotec because they have a good product that works on all metals. We have also received good feedback: they listen, make suggestions, do tests and are very helpful. They are also represented globally, which is important to us because our market is all over the globe. With Tribotec, we save assembly time, cleaning time, protective equipment and get rid of chemicals. And once you've tried this system, you don't want to go back to the old methods.
Increased awareness for intelligent rust protection
Dry metal is sensitive and rust is often protected with oil or other chemicals - that is, paste and glue. The method is certainly proven, but also labor-intensive, unhealthy, dirty and expensive. A greater awareness of the environment, health, quality and efficiency has increased the requirements for functional rust protection. That's why Tribotec's method, which is based on Cortec's patented VpCI technology, is right on time. Environmentally adapted rust protection also has 25 years behind it and the results speak for themselves.
Protect against rust with VpCI – this is how it works
Directly after manufacturing, the product or detail is packaged with specially treated packaging. With the help of room heat, the tightly closed packaging secretes invisible inhibitors that prevent the completely natural decomposition process for metals - rust. As long as the packaging is intact, time stands still and when the product is unpacked it is as good as new. The benefits are many: the product can be checked / assembled / used directly, no environmentally hazardous liquids are needed for protection or cleaning after transport/storage and the complaints department can expect fewer tasks. All steps after packaging are simplified. In addition, the packaging is largely recyclable.
Tailored solutions
The sales manager at Tribotec, which currently markets around 400 different items in rust protection:
- We tailor solutions for the most diverse products, everything from the smallest spare part to unwieldy machines. This is a fascinating protection system, the most eco-friendly and user-friendly on the market. It is extremely cost-effective and Sandvik has really understood how big the benefits are when you do it right from start to finish. They have a unique holistic view of quality.
- We intend to be at the forefront in all parts of our business, and that also includes environmentally friendly rust protection, concludes Jörgen Mikkelsen. Our collaboration with Tribotec gives us the best possible solutions to deliver perfect products, without rust attack, to our customers.