Environmentally friendly adhesives

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Environmentally friendly adhesives

At Tribotec, we are constantly working to replace adhesives that are subject to labeling to more health-friendly alternatives, because of course we want to promote a good working environment & health. 

Adhesives subject to labelling 

An adhesive subject to labeling is an adhesive that, according to the CLP regulation, must be labeled with a hazard symbol. 


This is how the determination of what constitutes an adhesive/product subject to labeling works: 

  • The CLP regulation is the EU's directive system that lays down directives to set an appropriate classification of the product.
  • Classification - indicates whether and to what extent the product's substance may risk causing damage to people or the environment.


Alternatives to adhesives subject to labeling – environmentally friendly adhesives 

We at Tribotec work actively to include adhesives in our range that are not subject to labelling. Today, we can offer several health-friendly adhesives both within anaerobic adhesives, CA adhesives and MS polymer that are not subject to labeling - but which are of course fully equivalent to products that today are subject to labeling. An example of this is Loxeal's non-labelling glue for thread locking/sealing.
