25 February 2013

New complete VCI rust protection brochure

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New complete vci rust protection brochure is now available. Here you will find Tribotec's entire range of Cortec vci plastic, vci paper, vci liquid rust protection, vci rust remover, etc. The brochure contains selection tables and other useful information for those who already use vci rust protection or are interested in starting to use this environmentally friendly rust protection technology.

new complete vci rust protection brochure

You will find our new vci rust protection brochure on our website together with our entire program of application brochures under the "Download" tab. You can also get directly to the brochure by pressing "read more" and clicking on the link Full range brochure here.

vci rust protection brochure

Details to be packed, shipped or stored are all too often exposed to rust. With Tribotec's intelligent rust protection, you get complete rust protection with environmentally friendly VpCI technology. Our packaging solutions are based solely on environmentally friendly products. In combination with the fact that solvents do not need to be used for cleaning, the rust protection is the most user-friendly on the market. The rust protection itself is largely recyclable.

VCI plastic pallet hood

This is how it works

The products to be protected are placed in a VpCI package, for example a bag. When the bag is sealed, an active process starts that gives you comprehensive rust protection into the smallest joint, for as long as you wish. Previously time-consuming and sometimes even harmful methods, such as lubricating components with grease or oil, will become a thing of the past. Tribotec's VpCi technology benefits the working environment and nature while saving you time.

Shortest readiness time

When unpacking, the benefits become even more tangible. No clean-up work is needed, the components can go directly to assembly or the machinery can be unpacked, installed and commissioned in record time. The time savings will be as impressive as the cost savings.

Short- and long-term protection

We have solutions for you regardless of whether you need temporary protection in factories, a little longer protection during shipping and storage or long-term protection for stored parts for varying environments and weather conditions.

Welcome to contact us in the corrosion protection group for more information.
