Quality-assured rust protection in the automotive industry – a challenge. The global automotive industry's demands on suppliers that work with methods to combat corrosion attacks and its effects include not only the economic loss that arises due to corrosion but also its impact on the environment and users. By transferring knowledge (best practice) between us as a supplier and the automotive industry, we can ensure that the goals are reached at the lowest possible cost and environmental impact.
Work in progress WIP – the process

The first step to success is to evaluate the entire production flow from the time the raw material reaches the factory until the product leaves the factory. This includes processing, intermediate storage and transport. Tribotec and Cortec® use this information while analyzing the work in progress (WIP) to be able to implement the rust protection at exactly the right place in the production flow. The rust protection can be applied in the processing, the washing process, as well as in subsequent steps.
Quality assurance PPAP
PPAP (Pre Production Approval Process) is a process developed by the automotive industry (Automotive Industry Action Group). This means that safety risks are eliminated from the product before it reaches the customers. This is achieved by anticipating possible error areas, eliminating these in the design, assessing the accuracy of measurement systems, ensuring consequences as well as documentation and planning.
Tribotec's supplier of VpCI (VCI) corrosion protection Cortec® works according to this method to develop the most effective processes to ensure that corrosion does not affect a new product.
Tribotec, with the help of Cortec Corp., offers highly effective and economical corrosion protection for automotive applications without sacrificing the environment. Cortec® products are developed with a patented VpCI technology (vapor phase inhibitors).
This allows us to offer customers and partners products at the absolute forefront of project management, development, design, application knowledge, and training to ensure zero errors. For over 35 years, we have delivered high-quality turnkey solutions for manufacturers, engineering firms, and project managers in the automotive and other manufacturing industries. By transferring knowledge (best practice) between us and the industry, Tribotec and Cortec® can ensure that the goals are reached at the lowest possible cost and environmental impact.

If you want to read more about what we can do, you can find our new "VCI Rust protection for the automotive industry" to download.
If you have questions or an application that you want us to look at together, contact the Tribotec rust protection group.
Stefan Fältengård: 0705-28 28 79
Mats Gunnemyr: 0702-83 07 66
Mats Holmvik: 0766-77 04 00
Henrik Stjerslev Jakobsen: +45 2070-3330, Denmark