Electronics are everywhere around us and smart electronics systems are required in the development of renewable energy sources, to make energy production more efficient, to digitize the health and care sector, in autonomous vehicles and more.
With a large selection of products from our silicone range, we can protect sensitive electronics from shocks, vibrations, chemicals, heat, cold and condensation. Products such as RTV silicone, gel, varnish in, among other things, embedding and painting applications provide optimal protection. In the electronics industry, silicone is primarily used as protection against corrosion and impacts. The material has a very good electrical insulating ability and is not affected by water or moisture.
Within our anti-rust range, we have cleaning and anti-corrosion electronics sprays for both indoor and outdoor use. With VCI Rust protection emitters you avoid oxidation and corrosion that can occur in enclosed spaces after temperature variations and other external influences. These emitters are very easy to handle and can be advantageously used in electronic equipment such as electrical cabinets, sensitive lighting equipment, control systems and junction boxes.
Our product group lubricants includes products for cleaning electronics and contacts, zinc and cooling sprays and lubricants for electrical contacts.
You can see some examples of products here, but feel free to contact us to discuss your particular application!